Connecting with God and Others


We all have a built-in need to connect with God and with each other, but most of us would probably describe our lives as busy, distracted, and disconnected. So we want to help connect you—to Jesus, to each other, and to your neighbors. Come join us Sundays at 10am, at New Braunfels Christian Academy. You’ll learn from God’s Word and enjoy His people, and enjoy the blessing of a more connected life.


Connect to Jesus

We gather every Sunday at 10am at New Braunfels Christian Academy (Lower School Campus) to sing of God’s goodness, confess our failings, proclaim the Good News, learn from God’s Word, and be fed from God’s Table.

watch a worship service

Connect to each other

We need one another. Community is embedded in our souls. We’re trying to cut through the empty platitudes of “busy” and “fine” and get to something real. We’d love for you to be a part of it.

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Connect to your neighbors

Want to be a part of something larger than yourself? We do too. There’s lots going on in the life of Hope, and we would love to have you join us.

contact us to learn more »


Made for Worship

Each Sunday we ask God to tune our heats and our voices to praise Him. As we gather around His Word and Table, we tell the story of His grace and majesty, sing songs old and new, and invite our friends and neighbors to join us.


“The Gospel isn’t good advice about what to do to get right with God—
it’s the good news that Jesus has done it for you.”


Where Old and New Meet

New Braunfels is an old town. Within the city limits, you’ll find Texas’ oldest dance hall, oldest bakery, and oldest hardware store. But it’s also growing quickly—like second-fastest-growing-city-in-the-nation quickly. We love this combination, and if you’re just moving to New Braunfels, we think you will too.